nemaplus®Depot are capsules containing approximately 2,000 beneficial nematodes (Steinernema feltiae) in a water-oil emulsion, enclosed in an alginate shell.
Once the capsules come into contact with soil or substrate, the alginate shell becomes permeable within a week and the beneficial nematodes emerge. Over a period of several weeks, new nematodes actively search for larvae. After locating pest larvae, nematodes invade through natural body openings and inject bacteria into the insect. Bacteria develop within the insect and it dies of septicemia after 2-3 days. Nematodes reproduce inside the dead larva. Thousands of new nematodes leave the dead larva and search for further prey.
The special property of nemaplus®Depot is its preventative protection against fungus gnats primarily but may also help with western flower thrips.
nemaplus®Depot can be used in greenhouses all year round.
Consult your local BioBee representative for additional details.
Target Pests
- A package contains approximately 25,000 capsules (50 million nematodes)
In greenhouses nemaplus®Depot can be used all year round.
- Soil or substrate temperatures should be 46 to 82 ° F. At higher temperatures nematodes become inactive.
- At application the soil or substrate should be moist.
- Mix the capsules evenly into the substrate or insert them into the planting hole when sowing, sticking or potting.
- All organic substrates are suitable; sterilized substrates containing almost no micro-organisms are not suitable.
- Cover the capsules with at least 1 inch of substrate.
- Commercially available fertilizer spreaders are suitable for machine application.
- The substrate should remain moist during application.
- The product is effective for approx. 6 weeks, the highest effect is recorded in the 2nd- 4th week after application.
To avoid limiting the supply of oxygen when storing, do not completely cover the perforated top. Rotate the pack regularly during storage to mix the capsules, turning the package upside-down to allow free water to drain away.
Before combining nemaplus® Depot with any chemical pesticide in the crop, please consult your BioBee technical field representative.
Storage temperature
Do not store in sunlight
Do not freeze
Apply early morning or late afternoon
Apply within 24 hours
BioBee Sde Eliyahu Ltd. produces and markets biological products. Production is carried out using innovative techniques under controlled quality assurance standards such as ISO 9001:2015, as well as IOBC’s international standards for mass-production of insects. All products are tested to meet specification requirements before leaving the factory.
The success of biological pest control is affected by the crop’s initial pest population (upon application of the product), weather conditions and chemical residue present in the crop, among other possible aggravating factors.
Under no circumstance shall BioBee be liable for the outcome of the implementation in the field, as it has no control over local conditions, the application method, or the possible improper treatment/storage of the product.