Core Strengths
BioBee recognizes the need for viable working solutions that take into account all the unique parameters of the particular grower in a specific country: from regulatory demands, logistics, climate, growing method to environment issues. BioBee offers tailor made IPM programs, field service support and innovative solutions.
As a leader in production and implementation of beneficial macro-organisms in agriculture, BioBee is committed to staying on the cutting edge of research and development in the fields of natural pollination and biological pest control. We research and identify new microbial biocontrol agents for reinforcement of the existing natural enemies’ package; work out solutions to unexpected drawbacks that might arise whilst exercising natural pollination by bumblebees or IPM/biocontrol and constantly develop new and innovative products.

BioBee was founded in 1983 at Kibbutz Sde Eliyahu in the Valley of Springs, in Israel. Although BioBee is now one of the leading international companies in the field of biologically based integrated pest management, natural pollination, Medfly control as well as the world’s leading producer of Phytoseiulus persimilis, it all started in a small bomb shelter.
Three members led the kibbutz’s initiative to create a factory that would mirror its ideology: a deep belief that agriculture could be improved by relying on what nature has to offer. The late Mario Levy, founder of organic agriculture in Israel put in motion the idea that solutions to agricultural issues could be found in nature. Yaakov Nakash, an autodidact entomologist, studied and researched insects in a bomb shelter in the kibbutz. Akiva Falk brought his sharp business sense and together, they set out to establish BioBee. With guidance and encouragement from knowledgeable friends, BioBee thrived. Starting out with only 5 employees, it quickly grew to 30 and now, it’s over 300 strong.
BioBee produces and implements insects for environmentally friendly solutions that enable farmers to work in a safer environment and produce healthier, higher quality crops. The guiding principle of BioBee was to look to nature for inspiration. This tradition of research and innovation coupled with a deeply rooted concern for the environment continues and thrives at BioBee today.
BioBee has teams of professionals around the world, 6 subsidiaries, 5 productions sites and a global distribution network sending products to customers worldwide.
Research and Development

The BioBee R&D team includes top specialists in the fields of Biology, Entomology and Plant Protection.
We believe knowledge should be shared for the betterment of mankind.
Our experienced and knowledgeable Field Service personnel work directly with growers to produce a tailor-made IPM program to meet their individual needs. This customized program is successfully implemented with the ongoing oversight and guidance of BioBee’s staff because we believe that imparting professional knowledge and instruction is necessary to provide truly comprehensive solutions. We stand together with our farmers, providing support throughout the growing cycle, ensuring that both the method and the produce are beneficial to the environment, the farmer and the consumer.